For more than 70 years, Colorado’s nonprofit organizations, including the Mountain States Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America (“MSCPVA”), have relied on revenue generated from charitable bingo games to help fund their missions to serve others in need. Since 1973 we have used funds raised from bingo games to support our mission to empower brave men and women to regain what they fought for: their freedom and independence.
Unfortunately, a trend is threatening our ability to raise critical funds through charitable bingo.
Our current state constitution does not allow charitable organizations to offer any kind of compensation to people who assist at bingo games. At the same time, our ability to find willing volunteers to staff these events gets harder each year and we are losing critical revenue because of it.
That’s why the MSCPVA and many other Colorado charities support Amendment F on the November ballot. Voting YES on Amendment F would allow, but not require, charitable organizations to compensate bingo volunteers up to the minimum wage to help run their charitable bingo events.
I urge everyone to vote YES on Amendment F this November 8th and support the important work charities like the MSCPVA do in communities all across Colorado.
Izzy Abbass is the President of the Mountain States Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America.
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