educational Grant Form

Grants provided to the individuals or organizations remain at the sole discretion of the MSCPVA Board. Grant applications are reviewed monthly. Grantees will be notified by mail.

Individual grants are considered and provided to Full or Associate members after one year of membership and good standing ONLY!

Grants considered and provided to organizations and individuals will be considered only when program funding is available. Each member is eligible for $1000.00 per fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th) if funds are available.

Grants will be provided only after receipts have been received to substantiate the grant request. If funds are needed before the event a third party vendor may be paid. For example if you want a grant for an airline ticket we will pay the airline directly.

Grant post reporting requirements is a determination of the Board of Directors. Should such be required, the grantee(s) will be required to remit a follow up report. Please take photos and send them for our newsletter.